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What the Kilometer Should Contain for Vat Purposes.

Kilometric allowance is an important document for companies that account for kilometers driven. In order to properly account for VAT, the mileage log should contain some important information.

First, you should include the date, company name and identification of the vehicle that was used for business purposes. The number of kilometers traveled and the purpose of the trip should also be included. If a private vehicle was used, the number of kilometers driven for business and private purposes should also be included.

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In addition, the mileage should include information on the VAT rate and the amount of tax that was charged based on the kilometers driven. It is also a good idea to include any additional costs associated with the trip, such as parking fees or highway tolls.

It is also important that the mileage allowance is signed by the employee responsible for the business trip and approved by the supervisor. This will ensure that the document is valid during a possible tax audit.

Requesting that the mileage allowance be complete and in accordance with current regulations, it should contain all the necessary information regarding business travel and VAT settlement. Taking care to properly complete this document will help avoid unpleasantness during possible tax audits.

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