How much does a truck burn? Combustion and factors affecting consumption

Fuel consumption of trucks

  • The fuel consumption of trucks depends on many factors, such as the type of engine, the weight of the load, the speed, the route, as well as the technologies used in the vehicle.
  • On average, a loaded TIR truck can consume 30 to 40 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers, depending on the above factors.
  • Vehicle weight has a significant impact on how much a truck burns per 100 kilometers. The roomier and less economical the engine, the higher the combustion.

Heavy vehicle fuel consumption data

  • A truck's fuel consumption depends on its size and load, and whether it travels mainly within or between cities.
  • Consumption is about 30-40 liters for every 100 km.
  • An articulated vehicle with a load of 25,000 kilograms, which travels about 120,000 kilometers a year, needs fuel worth more than 40,700 euros.

Factors affecting fuel combustion

  • Engine type is one of the most important factors affecting fuel burn in trucks.
  • The weight of the load also has a significant impact on fuel combustion, the higher the load, the higher the combustion.
  • Speed and route also affect fuel burn, the faster and longer you drive, the higher the burn.

Tank capacity and range in trucks

  • Fuel is counted among dangerous goods because they are flammable and harmful to the environment.
  • The total capacity of fixed tanks in trucks should not exceed 1,500 liters per transport unit.
  • Vehicle range depends on average fuel consumption and tank capacity.

Speed and combustion optimization

  • Optimizing speed and combustion is key to reducing fuel consumption in trucks.
  • Maintaining a steady speed and avoiding rapid acceleration can help reduce fuel burn.
  • Choosing the right speed and route can also help reduce fuel burn.

Fuel saving strategies

  • To minimize fuel costs, trucking companies and TIR drivers often employ various cost-saving strategies.
  • Here are some practices that can affect fuel efficiency:
  • use of the latest engine technology
  • driving economically
  • fuel consumption monitoring
  • conducting regular inspections of the vehicle

Buying a truck in terms of fuel economy

  • Before buying a truck, consider the factors that affect fuel burn.
  • Choosing the right engine and technology can help reduce fuel burn.
  • Also important is monitoring fuel consumption and conducting regular maintenance on the vehicle.

Fuel consumption of tractor-trailer truck

  • The fuel consumption of a semi-trailer tractor and the amount of fuel the truck consumes at a standstill depends on a number of factors.
  • Let's look at these two cases separately:
  • fuel consumption while driving
  • fuel consumption at standstill

Truck fuel economy vs. on-time delivery

  • Limiting the maximum speed of trucks is one method of reducing fuel burn.
  • Extremely expensive fuel is the bane of many industries these days, but it is road transportation that suffers the most.
  • A speed limit may slow down transportation, but not necessarily.


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